Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Falstaff's Cleric story.

After nearly 200 years of existence, one major mystery still eluded Falstaff. The power of faith was to him the greatest mystery life had left.

Taking up clerichood in the service of the god Corellon, Falstaff devised a plan to study religion and faith itself, and thereby glean the answers to its mysteries.

When betrayed and nearly killed by plant beings in a transdimensional pyramid, Falstaff renounced the mantle of Cleric. Falstaff had sought knowledge through the things which betrayed him, and his trust in Corellon was shaken.

His faith ebbed from him, and not long after, the group came upon an angel. This being defended what she held sacred, and for that, the party slaughtered it, Falstaff helping to pin it into melee, assuring its death.

After facing a demi-god, nearly dying from asphyxiation in ice, being teleported to another world and realizing that all he had known now lay on its head, Falstaff's dreams became troubled.

The angel's face came to him whenever he spared his consciousness for a moment, and it would ask: "But why"?

Falstaff turned the question over and over again in his head. he could not fathom the answer to a question so broad; his nightmares continued.

The worst of the nights came and as Falstaff awoke to see the sun rising on this alien world, the answer came to him. Falstaff waited again and again for the dreams to return, to tell the angel what he had learned... but the dreams never came.

A great joy overcame the wizard once again. his answer sat within him and his step took on a new energy. In a way, Falstaff wished to thank the angel, and realized that in a way, faith is inside all of us if we are just willing to explore it. He re-pledged himself to his diety no longer as a search for knowledge.

Falstaff began now on the search for power of not only the mind, but of the heart.

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